JENBACHER is a brand of INNIO.
Visit INNIO's corporate website here.



INNIO Legal Information

Company Name: INNIO Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG
Corporate Purpose: Production of gas engines and related services
VAT Number: ATU57359405
Company Registration Number: FN239923d
Court of Company Registration: Innsbruck
Place of Registration: 6200 Jenbach, Tyrol, Austria
Registered Office Address: Achenseestrasse 1-3, 6200 Jenbach, Austria
Membership Austrian Chamber of Commerce: WKO Member (Austrian Chamber of Commerce Tyrol)
Supervisory Authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft (Regional Authority) Schwaz
Individual liable corporations:
  • INNIO Jenbacher GmbH (0,0001%)
  • Achenseestrasse 1-3
  • Company Registration Number: 354147f
  • Court of Company Registration: Innsbruck
  • INNIO Austria GmbH (99,9999%)
  • Achenseestrasse 1-3
  • Company Registration Number: 189091a
  • Court of Company Registration: Innsbruck
Managing Directors:
  • Dr. Olaf Berlien
  • Ing. Mag. (FH) Martin Mühlbacher

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