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HomeProjectsChengdu Chang’an (CHN)

Chengdu Chang’an (CHN)

Delivers renewable, low-emission power and wins praise

Chengdu image


The Chengdu Chang’an Landfill Gas Comprehensive Utilization Project is a landfill gas power generation facility jointly invested, constructed, and operated by Chengdu Oasis City Appearance Environment (Group) Co., Ltd. and New China Water (Nanjing) Renewable Resources Investment Co., Ltd. The project collects, purifies, and generates electricity from the landfill gas in the first and second phase landfill areas of Chang’an Landfill in Chengdu city in China’s Sichuan province. The project is one of the largest single-unit landfill gas power generation projects in China.


Covering an area of about 6,700 square meters, the project includes an efficient landfill gas collection system, landfill gas pretreatment system, landfill gas fueled gensets, landfill gas flare, and power output system as well as a clean development mechanism (CDM) metering system—for earning certified emission reduction (CER) credits—and auxiliary systems. The project’s first phase, completed in May 2017, installed 14 of INNIO’s Jenbacher J420 gensets running on landfill gas. Rated at 1,487 KW each, the gensets provided an installed capacity of 20.82 MW. In November 2018, the second phase of the project added six more Jenbacher J420 units, bringing the total installed capacity of the project to 29.74 MW.


It is expected that the project’s annual power generation output will be 240 GWh, and all the generated electricity will be uploaded to the local grid, providing enough power to meet the annual electricity consumption needs of 70,000 Chinese households. What’s more, this renewable power solution cuts approximately 1.28 million tons of CO2 emissions each year. Since the Chang’an Landfill project was officially put into operation, it has been continuously recognized and praised by industry experts. The project won the “2016-2017 Environmental Sanitation Industry Excellence and Innovation Series Commendation Activities Selection” medal organized by the China Urban Environmental Sanitation Association 2017 Solid Waste Exhibition Organizing Committee. In September of the same year, the project’s company was awarded the “Chengdu Green and Low-Carbon Demonstration Enterprise” by the Chengdu Leading Group for Energy Conservation, Emission Reduction and Climate Change.


»It has been exciting to be part of this massive renewable energy effort. We are successfully capturing and treating landfill gas, then using it to fuel 20 Jenbacher gensets that are delivering greener power to the region. The project will help our city meet emission reduction targets, and it already has earned impressive environmental awards.«

Peijun Zhou, General Manager, Chengdu Oasis New Renewable Energy Co., LTD

Customer benefits

  • Centered on 20 Jenbacher J420 gensets, the Chang’an Landfill project provides 240 GWh of reliable, renewable power to the region each year.
  • The J420 gensets are highly efficient, delivering a total efficiency of approximately 41.7% operating on landfill gas.
  • The plant significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions in the region—cutting CO2 emissions by as much as 1.28 million tons annually.


Chengdu, China

Installed engines

 20 x J420

Electrical output

 29.7 MW

Total efficiency


Energy source

Landfill gas


2017, 2018


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